Africa’s great green wall: a social-ecological characterization of the Horn of Africa

Post-doctoral reserach Patricia Rodrigues

This research action is implemented in partnership between the University of Addis Ababa, the French research institute for sustainable development, Leuphana University (Germany). The objective of this work is to characterize landscapes within the Great Green Wall (GGW) in terms of their social-ecological properties and restoration initiatives, in order to identify social-ecological systems (SES) typologies that can facilitate the assessment of ecosystem services dynamics and the green wall sustainability in the Horn of Africa. The identification of SES-typologies will be rooted on a database of landscapes within the GGW. The database will be created by collecting information through a scoping review of the literature and through stakeholder survey (using a remote survey questionnaire). Typologies will be identified using multivariate and classification analyses. Dynamics in the provisioning of ecosystem services will be assessed through a combination of back and forecasting approaches, through the use of  spatially-explicit models (InVEST tool), scenario development, spatial overlay analysis and flower diagrams.

Expected data generated included a database on social-ecological characteristics and restoration initiatives within landscapes of the Horn of Africa. Spatial maps of ecosystem services potential. Expected generated knowledge: knowledge on typologies and dynamics of ecosystem services is expected to contribute to understand the sustainability of the wall in the Horn of Africa, in a context dependent way.

Contact : Patrícia Rodrigues :;

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